
We are currently recruiting for The War Within. Our team currently comprises a solid core group for raiding with many of them flexing between roles as needed to make sure that we remain consistently successful as we progress and farm content. Players are regularly available throughout the week to participate in Mythic dungeons and are usually willing to lend a hand farming for those few pieces of really important gear.

Classes / Specializations / Roles Needed


Tanks are currently set for Raid. However, we’re always open to solid players for Mythic+ ,swingable characters for backup, and exceptional players may be considered for Main Tank opportunities. 


We are currently open to all Healers except Evokers.

Damage Dealers / DPS

We are currently open to all classes and specializations for damage dealers.

Application Process

If you fit into our needs and you’re looking for a place to call home in the World of Warcraft, drop in to our Discord server or get in contact with a member of our leadership team using the information below. We don’t run a rigorous trial process, but it is of the utmost importance to us that you bring good vibes and fun times!

Loot System

Loot Council: During progression, we utilize an AddOn called RCLootCouncil to facilitate a pseudo-Master Looter system. Everyone in the Raid group is required to use the AddOn.

Bind on Pickup: Loot is distributed by a Loot Council. The Loot Council (LC) is comprised of the current Leadership members as well as a handful of consistent Raiders who will each weigh in on how any earned equipment or recipes can be awarded to raid members to ensure the most success for the group. Special care is taken to make sure that loot is distributed with equity, but more valuable pieces will more reliably be awarded to members who are putting forth the time and energy outside of the Raid to improve the team.

Bind on Equip: Items that are dropped as part of Personal Loot that Bind on Pickup belong to the individual that loots those items and players are not required to make any specific decisions with those items. While you are welcome to open the drop to rolls from the rest of the group (and such a choice will contribute to your “outside of raid” efforts), that choice belongs to you and you alone.

Contact Us

  • Frozenwing – Frozenwing#1670
  • DemoXin – DemoXin#1778
